
Aspetti Veterinari


Hyperkeratotic skin conditions in New World camelids

Sandra D. Taylor, DVM, PhD, DACVIM

Purdue University, College of Veterinary Medicine, West Lafayette, IN


Hyperkeratotic skin conditions in New World camelids include chronic mite infestation, zinc-responsive dermatosis, ichthyosis, and idiopathic necrolytic neutrophilic hyperkeratosis (INNH, also known as “munge”). Although these disorders are relatively uncommon, clinical signs may be severe and aesthetics may negatively impact the value of animals used for production. Hyperkeratotic lesions are typically alopecic with varying degrees of skin thickness. Pruritis is not usually a characteristic of hyperkeratotic skin disorders, with the exception of sarcoptic and psoroptic mite infestation. Biopsy is an important diagnostic modality, and treatment depends on etiology; therapy may include steroids, antimicrobials, zinc supplementation, and/or antiparasitic treatment. Although studies investigating the prevalence of skin disorders in New World camelids are limited, a recent retrospective analysis of 68 alpacas with skin disorders found that 10% of animals demonstrated mite infestation, 8% had zinc-responsive dermatosis, and 4.5% had ichthyosis.1 Diagnosis of INNH was not definitively made in these cases as the disease was thought to be secondary to several other skin disorders. In a separate study, the most common hyperkeratotic disease reported in New World camelids from the United Kingdom was zinc-responsive dermatosis which was diagnosed in 35% of animals with skin lesions, followed by mite infestation in 29% of animals; INNH and ichthyosis were not diagnosed in this report.2


New World camelids are exposed to and affected by several ectoparasites, the most common of which are mites. They are susceptible to sarcoptic, psoroptic, and chorioptic mange, and can be simultaneously infested with all three.3 However, chorioptic mange appears to be the most common mite infestation.4

Chorioptic mange

The most common mite infestation of New World camelids is Chorioptes bovis, and is recognized in many countries including the United States. Unlike other types of mange, pruritis is generally absent or mild. Animals may appear clinically normal despite heavy parasite infestation, while animals with few mites may develop severe lesions. Early in the course of infestation, lesions are typically found on the ventral abdomen, perineum, ventral tail and medial thighs, and may progress to include the axillae, face, pinnae, distal limbs and interdigital spaces.5-8 Alopecia, scaling and crusting lesions often progress to include lichenified, thickened skin. Like psoroptic mange, chorioptic mange does not constitute a zoonotic risk.

Sarcoptic mange

Sarcoptic mange is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var. auchinae, and has been reported in many countries in South America, Europe and New Zealand.3,9-11 The disease is thought to be rare in the United States because of routine use of ivermectin.8,12,13 Sarcoptic mange is a significant cause of weight loss and fiber loss. In some populations, sarcoptic mange can be found in 40% of animals and can be responsible for up to 95% of monetary losses secondary to ectoparasite infestation.9 Affected animals present with pruritis and alopecia.1,10,11 Early lesions most commonly affect the ventral abdomen, axillae and groin, and may extend to the medial thighs, extremities, feet and face. Initially, the infested skin is erythematous with yellow to grey crusts, but with time the skin becomes thickened, lichenified and hyperpigmented. Secondary bacterial infection may occur and lead to further morbidity. Importantly, sarcoptic mange in New World camelids is a potential zoonosis.7,8,10

Psoroptic mange

Psoroptic mange in New World camelids is caused by a mite that has not been specifically named, so is referred to as Psoroptes sp. 1,7 Skin lesions predominantly affect the head, face and pinnae, with less common

sites including the shoulders, dorsum, and perineum.2,3,7,8,14,15 If the ear canals are affected, the animal may present with ear twitching, head shaking, and head tilt. Like with sarcoptic mange, pruritis and alopecia are often observed and are associated with papules and crusts early in infestation; chronic disease is associated with thickened skin. Purulent discharge from the ears may indicate secondary bacterial infection. Psoroptic mange is not considered zoonotic.


Diagnosis of mange is confirmed by the presence of mites in skin scrapings; however, the absence of visible mites does not rule out disease.7,8 In a study evaluating the prevalence of C. bovis infestation in a herd of alpacas in the United Kingdom, skin scrapings were positive in 55% of clinically normal animals that had direct contact with animals bearing skin lesions, while only 28% of animals with skin lesions were positive for mites.4 Chorioptic mites are most readily recovered by scraping the interdigital spaces of the forefeet.4,5 Biopsy can be helpful in supporting the diagnosis of mange, with histopathology often revealing eosinophilic interstitial dermatitis, marked parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, and mites within surface crusts.1,11 In addition to these histology findings, eosiniophilic epidermal microabscesses and pustules have been described in New World camelids with chorioptic mange.16 Eosinophilia may be present with heavy mite infestation but normal peripheral eosinophil counts do not rule out disease.


Avermectins in different formulations have been shown to be effective in treating mange in cattle,17,18 sheep,19,20 pigs,21,22 and dogs.23 Although its use is considered off-label, ivermectin at a dose of 0.2 - 0.4 mg/kg every 1 – 2 weeks subcutaneously for 2 – 4 injections is considered an effective means to treat mange in New World camelids; however, treatment failures with ivermectin, doramectin, and eprinomectin have been reported.7,10,24 Topical amitraz administration has been shown to resolve clinical signs of sarcoptic mange for at least 10 months in infested alpacas that did not respond to avermectin treatment.10 There is evidence that chorioptic mange may be more difficult to clear than sarcoptic or psoroptic mange. In one study evaluating treatment in a herd with simultaneous infestation with Sarcoptes sp., Psoroptes sp. and Chorioptes sp., ivermectin (1%) was effective in eliminating Sarcoptes sp. and Psoroptes sp. after subcutaneous administration of 0.2 mg/kg on day 0 and day 10; however, additional treatment with 50 μg/kg ivermectin as a pour-on on day 24 and day 34 was required to eliminate Chorioptes sp.3 This is consistent with previous findings.14,25,26 Topical administration of eprinomectin at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg weekly for four weeks was found to be highly effective at reducing Chorioptic sp. mite numbers in a herd of alpacas, but failed to completely eradicate them.5 Similarly, the same dose of eprinomectin applied topically weekly for 10 weeks failed to eradicate chorioptic mange in a herd of llamas and alpacas.6 The use of organophosphate dips to control mite infestation is not recommended for New World camelids as it is for small ruminants, as dipping can be stressful for the animals and there is no safety information available. Movement of animals to clean pasture following treatment and disinfection of fomites may aid in successful eradication; however, mites can survive in the environment for up to 2 months, making reinfestation possible.27


Zinc-responsive dermatosis may be due to a true zinc deficiency or a keratinizing disorder that is responsive to high dosages of zinc supplementation; thus, the disorder has also been termed “idiopathic hyperkeratosis.” Lesions in affected animals consist of thickened skin with tightly adhering crusts that are found most commonly on hairless areas of the body (ventral abdomen, axilla, medial thighs, and inguinal area) but can also occur on the face, pinnae and neck.1 Colored fleeced New World camelids appear to be more susceptible than white fleeced New World camelids, and young animals (1 - 2 years of age) are more frequently affected.13,28 A herd of 48 llamas and alpacas were evaluated for nutritional status and skin lesions, 25% of

which were found to have lesions consistent with zinc-responsive dermatosis despite being fed grass hay and commercial camelid supplemental feed. 28 The grass hay and camelid feed contained 15.8 and 51.3 mg/kg zinc, respectively. Mean serum zinc concentrations were 0.17 μg/ml for all alpacas in the herd, and 0.22 μg/ml for all llamas in the herd. The proposed reference range for serum zinc concentrations for llamas is 0.30 – 0.50 μg/ml.29 There was no significant difference in serum zinc concentrations between New World camelids with skin lesions and those without. In this particular study, only females were affected, but reports in males have also been documented.7,12 The authors of this study made the following conclusions: 1) skin lesions are most likely to occur in young breeding females when the mineral content of feed is low; 2) dark fleeced animals are more affected because dark fleeces contains higher levels of zinc and copper than white fleeces and exert higher demands on mineral metabolism; and 3) serum zinc concentrations may not reflect total body zinc levels, but affected animals may demonstrate low serum zinc concentrations. It is important to note that zinc-responsive dermatosis often affects only one individual in a herd, even when all animals are fed the same diet.1


Biopsy is an important component of diagnosis. Histologic changes in affected New World camelids demonstrates epidermal and follicular orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis with mild to moderate perivascular dermatitis containing lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells and occasional eosinophils.7,8,12,28 This is different than the typical parakeratotic hyperkeratosis reported in sheep,30,31 goats,32,33 cattle,34 swine35 and dogs36 with zinc deficiency. Serum zinc concentrations should be tested, even though normal levels do not rule out zinc-responsive dermatosis. Blood samples for serum zinc analysis should be placed into plastic tubes with no anticoagulant using a plastic syringe that does not contain rubber. Rubber in tube stoppers may contain zinc that may falsely elevate levels. Also, erythrocyte lysis can release zinc into the serum.7 Finally, diagnosis may be aided by response to treatment.


It is recommended that affected New World camelids receive 1 - 2 g zinc sulfate or 2 - 4 g zinc methionine once daily by mouth for several weeks. Although improvement is often seen in 30 - 90 days, lesions may not resolve for up to 12 months after the start of zinc supplementation.1,7,8,28


Ichthyosis is a congenital disorder characterized by focal or diffuse hyperkeratosis and scaling, and has been described in humans, dogs, cattle, pigs, mice and New World camelids.37-42 The disease is caused by defects in terminal differentiation of keratinocytes and desquamation, which occur in the upper layer of the epidermis. The result of defective desquamation is increased cohesion of keratinocytes. In humans, there are several clinical forms of ichthyosis including lamellar ichthyosis (LI), which is an autosomal recessive disease considered to be the form most similar to that in animals. Lamellar ichthyosis is a severe nonepidermolytic form of disease, and has been described in golden retriever and Jack Russell terrier dogs, as well as Chianina cattle.40,42-45 In humans, approximately 40 genes are involved in ichthyosis, mutations of which can lead to the lamellar form. Mutations within the transglutaminase 1 (TGM1) gene have been shown to decrease or inhibit transglutaminase activity, which results in the LI phenotype in humans and dogs.39,46-48 Recently, an indel mutation in the PNPLA1 gene was found to be highly associated with LI in humans and golden retriever dogs.49 Both genes (TGM1 and PNPLA1) are important in formation of the epidermal lipid envelope.49,50 A less common form of ichthyosis in humans and cattle is ichthyosis fetalis (harlequin ichthyosis), which is the most severe form of congenital ichthyosis and is characterized by diffuse, large, diamond-shaped or plate-like scales.44,51 Because of cracked skin in locations where normal skin would fold, bacterial dermatitis can lead to fatal infection. In New World camelids affected with ichthyosis, lesions resemble those of LI. A genetic cause has yet to be elucidated, but it is reasonable to expect that a TGM1 mutation is associated with disease.


Diagnosis of ichthyosis in New World camelids relies on age, clinical signs, and biopsy. Lesions are present at birth or shortly thereafter.1,37 Focal or diffuse nonpruritic, nonpainful hyperkeratotic plaques are typically observed. Histologic changes include prominent laminated orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis of the epidermis and infundibula of hair follicles with minimal epidermal hyperplasia.1,37,38 This is similar to histology of affected dogs, cattle and humans.39,42,44,46 The absence of inflammatory cells helps distinguish ichthyosis from zinc-responsive dermatosis.


Treatment is not typically attempted in these animals, as most are otherwise healthy. In humans with ichthyosis, oral retinoids such as isotretinoin (Vitamin A derivative) have greatly improved quality of life and may be a candidate treatment for animals with the disease pending further research.


Idiopathic necrolytic neutrophilic hyperkeratosis (INNH), also referred to as “munge,” is a hyperkeratotic disorder that affects alpacas and llamas. Two general forms of INNH are recognized. Focal INNH affects the perinasal and perioral regions with some extension to the periocular and periaural areas. Thick crusts may obstruct the nostrils in severe cases. Diffuse INNH is typically seen in llamas that are 1 - 2 years of age.7 This condition is poorly understood and is likely a cutaneous reaction in the skin of New World camelids that is caused by host, environmental and pathogen factors. Disorders that may initiate the development of INNH include bacterial folliculitis, dermatophilosis, dermatophytosis, mite infestation, fly bites, viral papillomas/fibropapillomas, contact dermatitis, and zinc-responsive dermatosis.1,7


Histology often reveals parakeratotic and orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis with a seropurulent, palisading crust associated with epidermal hyperplasia, degenerate nuclear and hyperkeratotic debris, epidermal edema and keratinocyte necrosis. Secondary bacterial dermatitis with neutrophils may also be observed.8,12 A positive bacterial culture and antimicrobial susceptibility of the skin lesion may guide appropriate therapy. Serum zinc concentration may reveal deficiency that can be addressed with zinc supplementation.


Because the etiology of INNH is unknown and predisposing factors are likely multifactorial, treatment often consists of “the kitchen sink.” Cases have been reported to respond to topical and/or systemic antimicrobials, topical and/or systemic corticosteroids, oral zinc supplementation, or to spontaneously regress.1,7,8 A popular treatment that is reported to be effective anecdotally includes a mixture of gentamicin, ivermectin, dimethyl sulfoxide and mineral oil.1


1. Scott DW, Vogel JW, Fleis RI, et al. Skin diseases in the alpaca (Vicugna pacos): a literature review and retrospective analysis of 68 cases (Cornell University 1997-2006). Vet Dermatol 2011;22:2-16.

2. D'Alterio GL, Knowles TG, Eknaes EI, et al. Postal survey of the population of South American camelids in the United Kingdom in 2000/01. Vet Rec 2006;158:86-90.

3. Geurden T, Deprez P, Vercruysse J. Treatment of sarcoptic, psoroptic and chorioptic mange in a Belgian alpaca herd. Vet Rec 2003;153:331-332.

4. D'Alterio GL. Prevalence of Chorioptes sp. mite infestation in alpaca (Lama pacos) in the southwest of England: implications for skin health. Small Ruminant Res 2005;57:221-228.

5. D'Alterio GL, Jackson AP, Knowles TG, et al. Comparative study of the efficacy of eprinomectin versus ivermectin, and field efficacy of eprinomectin only, for the treatment of chorioptic mange in alpacas. Vet Parasitol 2005;130:267-275.

6. Plant JD, Kutzler MA, Cebra CK. Efficacy of topical eprinomectin in the treatment of Chorioptes sp. infestation in alpacas and llamas. Vet Dermatol 2007;18:59-62.

7. Foster A, Jackson A, D'Alterio GL. Skin diseases of south American camelids. In Practice 2007;29:216-+.

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27. Scott DW. Large Animal Dermatology. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1988.

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Jill McElderry-Maxwell, September, 2011

The vitamin thiamine plays a critical role in alpaca health. Thiamine depletion can happen rapidly from a large number of causes and will lead to death unless promptly remedied by the immediate administration of injectable thiamine. Thiamine is inexpensive, but only available by prescription – and every camelid owner should have a bottle from their vet on hand at all times.

Any time an alpaca shows signs of lethargy, low appetite or neurological impairment, a shot of thiamine is a worthwhile precaution: “Thiamine is a safe and useful therapy any time we suspect neurological insult” (Evans, p. 39). It can never hurt, and it may help save your animal’s life.

A ruminant’s digestive tract is an amazing system. Breakdown of a ruminant’s diet begins in the mouth, where it is mixed with saliva and given a preliminary, brief chewing before being swallowed down to the reticulum, the first of a series of stomachs. After being later brought back up and chewed leisurely as cud, masticated food finally ends up in the rumen, or second stomach.

The rumen is a large organ that serves essentially as a fermentation vat. Much of the plant material eaten by ruminants consists of cellulose. Surprisingly, mammals are not capable of breaking down cellulose – at least, not on their own. Instead, a ruminant gets a little help from a diverse collection of microorganisms, including bacteria, protozoa and even viruses and fungi, that lives in their gut.

These microorganisms break down cellulose and other plant fibers and make their energy available to their host ruminant. The microorganisms also produce a number of substances critical to their host’s survival and well-being, including the vitamin thiamine. Under normal conditions, a ruminant is able to synthesize all of the thiamine it needs for daily function without supplemental sources.

Thiamine is a B vitamin (B1). It is water-soluble and is manufactured constantly in the ruminant gut, as it is being continually depleted in turn. Thiamine plays an important role in energy metabolism for all body cells, but it especially critical in brain and heart cells. Without an adequate supply of thiamine, the brain ceases to function properly and actually begins to physically deteriorate.

Thiamine migrates from the gastrointestinal tract into the circulatory system via cellular mechanisms that are not fully understood. However, it is known that the half life of thiamine in sheep’s blood is very short, typically under ten minutes (Harmeyer, 1989). Turnover in brain tissues is less rapid, but it is clear that a continuous supply of thiamine is necessary if the body’s cells are to function properly.

In ruminants, the collection of symptoms brought on by low thiamine is called polioencephalomalacia (PEM). Symptoms are largely neurological in nature, as PEM results first in brain tissue swelling, and then in softening of brain tissue and the growth of brain lesions (it is also called cerebrocortical necrosis [CCN] in cattle and sheep). An animal with an advanced case of PEM will actually have holes in their brain visible upon necropsy.

Thiamine can be depleted in a myriad number of ways, and alpacas are much more sensitive to low levels than are cattle or other ruminants. They can also deplete their body’s supply of thiamine much more rapidly than cattle, sheep or goats. While cattle may take weeks to show symptoms of PEM after a sudden feed change, alpacas can develop symptoms in as few as two (Evans, 2005). Why this is true is not known, but it is critical to be aware of this peculiarity. Veterinarians only familiar with PEM in cattle or other livestock may fail to appreciate just how quickly PEM can bring about the death of an alpaca without prompt and appropriate intervention. Although many cases of PEM in alpacas happen quite rapidly, prolonged periods of low thiamine availability can also lead to PEM, with animals exhibiting subtle signs of deficiency over an extended period of time.

There are many, many potential causes of thiamine deficiency. Some of the microorganisms in the ruminant gut make enzymes that break thiamine down, called thiaminases. An imbalance in gut flora may lead to a proliferation of these organisms beyond normal levels, with a resulting drop in thiamine availability to the alpaca host. Antibiotics and some wormers (levamisole, thiabendazole [Evans, 2005]) can cause rumen imbalances, as can the ingestion of feeds rich in carbohydrates. Animals experiencing lactic acidosis from eating too much grain or pelleted feeds frequently also suffer from PEM.

Thiaminases may also be ingested by an alpaca. Here in the United States, bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), prostrate pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides) and horsetails (Equisetum spp.) are common in many pastures and contain high levels of thiaminases (Merck Veterinary Manual). Thankfully, these plants generally taste bad and have low palatability. Alpacas will seldom graze them unless there are few alternative food sources available, as may happen when pastures are overgrazed or in early spring when perennials emerge before grasses. In Australia and New Zealand, the Nardoo and rock ferns are of similar concern.

Another common cause of PEM in alpacas is coccidiosis, as coccidia rely on thiamine to reproduce and in doing so, reduce the amount available to the infected animal. Amprolium (Corid), frequently used to treat coccidiosis, is a thiaminase and its use may precipitate PEM unless supplemental thiamine is provided via injection into the blood stream. The alpaca has access to the injected thiamine but the coccidia in the gut do not. Clostridium and Streptococcus bacteria are also known producers of thiaminases (Harmeyer, 1989).

PEM may be caused by a change in an animal’s ability to absorb thiamine from the gut, or by the too rapid removal of thiamine from the body. Possible causes for metabolic disruption along these lines may include changes in the weather, forages and stress levels. In short, it sometimes seems like almost anything can cause polioencephalomalacia in an alpaca.

Excess sulfates or sulfides in the diet may also cause polioencephalomalacia, but this form of PEM is not treatable with thiamine. Possible sources of excess sulfur compounds may be well or untreated water (especially in times of drought), concentrated feeds (particularly grain by-products such as distillers grains, and feeds containing molasses) and some plants under particular growing conditions. There is no currently known treatment for sulphur-induced PEM other than the removal of the sulphur source, which may save those animals in which the symptoms are less advanced. Sulphur-induced PEM should be suspected in animals which do not respond to thiamine therapy. Lead poisoning may also produce the symptoms of PEM, and can be detected by sampling blood lead levels.

Animals with PEM may have diarrhea, are typically at least somewhat listless or lethargic and exhibit unusual neurological symptoms. Signs of subacute PEM may be subtle, but often include

• decreased appetite;
• failure to remain with herdmates;
• staggering or unsteady gait;
• elevated head or stargazing;
• head or ear twitching;
• excess salivation and drooling.

The acute stage of PEM is typically characterized by

• increased severity of symptoms seen in subacute PEM;
• blindness;
• grinding teeth;
• opisthotonos (spasming or arching of the back and neck – the “death arch”);
• seizures and muscle spasms;
• recumbency and failure to rise.

Untreated acute PEM will lead to coma and death. Untreated subacute PEM will result in animals that fail to grow and thrive, and may also ultimately progress to death.

There are a number of other conditions with symptoms similar to PEM. While PEM should always be suspected and thiamine administered if any of the above symptoms are seen, breeders should also consult with their veterinarians in order to rule out additional potential diagnoses. Conditions that may produce symptoms similar to PEM include, but are not limited to:

• listeriosis
• grain poisoning
• rabies
• tetanus
• lead or heavy metal poisoning
• vitamin A deficiency
• ryegrass staggers
• meningeal worm parasitism
• heat stress
• sulphur-induced polioencephalomalacia

Reviewing an animal’s recent history and environment may be helpful in ruling the above conditions in or out. In all cases where neurological symptoms are seen, aggressively treating with thiamine while pursuing a definitive diagnosis is recommended.

Any alpaca breeder suspecting that one of their alpacas may be suffering from PEM should immediately reach for the bottle of thiamine that absolutely should be in their medicine cabinet at all times. Thiamine is unfortunately a prescription item that must be sourced through a veterinarian – it cannot be obtained at the feed store when an emergency arises. The standard B complex vitamins available over the counter are not an adequate substitute for pure thiamine, preferably the 500mg concentration if possible.

Since thiamine is a water soluble vitamin, it is essentially impossible to overdose when given by injection, as the alpaca will simply excrete anything it does not need. For this reason, there is no need to be precise in dosing as long as the required minimum dose is met – “too much” is as good as “just enough”. Dr. Evans recommends 6-11mg/kg (3-5mg/lb) every 8 hours for 24 hours in his Field Manual. Other veterinarians have recommended a wide variety of treatments ranging from 10mg/kg (4.5mg/lb) every three hours until symptoms are gone to 5mg/kg (2.25mg/lb) every six hours for 24 hours (Jensen, 2006).

Many experienced breeders feel that these amounts are all too low, particularly if given SQ. If at all possible, the first dose of thiamine should be administered IV, but since this is beyond the reach of many breeders, increasing both the amount of thiamine and frequency of dosing may be enough to compensate. Note that the Merck Veterinary Manualrecommends for cattle:

Therapy must be started early in the disease course for benefits to be achieved. If brain lesions are particularly severe or treatment is delayed, full clinical recovery may not be possible. The dosage of thiamine is 10-20, mg/kg, IM or SC, tid. Initial treatment may be administered IV.

If we double Dr. Evans’ dose recommendation to 20mg/kg (9mg/lb) to match the higher end of the Merck recommendation, and give the thiamine twice as often (every four hours for 24), the dosages for a 100 pound alpaca are:

➢ 4.5 ml of 200mg concentration thiamine or
➢ 1.8 ml of 500mg concentration thiamine to deliver 900mg of thiamine

Contrast this with the amount of B complex that would be required, using Agri-Labs products from Valley Vet for an example. The same 100 pound alpaca would need:

➢ 72 ml of B complex or
➢ 9 ml of fortified B complex to deliver 900mg of thiamine

Fortified B complex is seldom sold at farm stores and generally must be ordered. Clearly, given the volume of B complex required to administer the necessary thiamine dose, it makes sense to obtain a bottle of pure thiamine from your vet before an emergency arises.

Oftentimes, if an animal just seems slightly “off,” one or two SQ injections of thiamine over the course of a day will be enough to bring the animal back into balance. Some animals seem more prone to thiamine depletion due to stress, and an injection of thiamine prior to or just following a stressful event such as shearing may prevent greater problems later.

In summary, alpacas are extremely sensitive to changes in thiamine availability and can deplete their body’s resources rapidly. The potential causes of PEM are almost infinite, and any time an alpaca exhibits neurological symptoms, the possibility of PEM should be considered. Immediate administration of thiamine is easy, inexpensive and appropriate any time an alpaca seems “off,” and while a more definitive diagnosis is sought.

“Plants Poisonous to Livestock,” Cornell University, Department of Animal Science,

“Polioencephalomalacia,” 2011,Merck Veterinary Manual, Merck, Sharpe and Dohne: Whitehouse Station, NJ

Burgess, B., 2008, “Polioencephalomalacia,” Large Animal Veterinary Rounds, 8(3)

Evans, C. Norman, 2005, ALPACA Field Manual, 2nd edition, Able Publishing and Ag Press, Inc.

Harmeyer, J. and U. Kollenkirchen, 1989, “Thiamin and Niacin in Ruminant Nutrition,” Nutrition Research Reviews (2), pp. 201-225

Himsworth, C., 2008, “Polioencephalomalacia in a llama,” Canadian Veterinary Journal, 49(6), pp. 598-600

Jensen, James, 2006, Camelid Drug Formulary, Game Ranch Health: San Antonio, TX

Parish, J., J. Rivera and H. Boland, 2009, “Understanding the Ruminant Digestive System,” Mississippi State University Extension Service, publication 2503

Rachid, M, E. Filho, A. Carvalho, A. Vasconcelos, P. Ferreira, 2011, “Polioencephalomalacia in cattle,” Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 6, pp. 126-131


Pamela G. Walker, DVM, MS, DACVIM-LA

The camelid population is continuing to grow in the United States with an increasing need for scientific information about proper dosage for medications in camelids. There is ongoing research in many institutions to try to find answers for these questions. The lack of complete information represents a challenge for veterinarians and camelid owners when determining a course of treatment for their camelid patients. As camelid owners it is important to work with your local veterinarian to plan treatment protocols for your llamas and alpacas. There are many factors to take into consideration when determining which drugs and what dosage to use in different situations. The information provided here is a basic guideline; specific treatments should be started only with the guidance of your veterinarian.



Wilfredo Huanca, M.V. Aida Cordero, GianLorenzo D'Alterio, Calogero Stelletta, Juri Vencato

Al link di seguito, riservato ai soci SNAEL, potete trovare il materiale presentato durante il Convegno, tenutosi a Biella Gennaio 2015.

Troverete cinque presentazioni:
1. Autore M.V. Aida Cordero: ACordero_SNAELConvengo2015.pdf
2. Autore Calogero Stelletta: CStelletta_SNAELConvengo2015.pdf
3. Autore GianLorenzo D'Alterio: GLDAlterio_SNAELConvegno2015.pdf
4. Autore Juri Vencato: JVencato_SNAELConvegno2015.pdf
5. Autore Wilfredo Huanca: WHuanca_SNAELConvegno2015.pdf



di Giulia Frezzato e Calogero Stelletta

Il controllo del peso all’interno di un gregge è una pratica molto importante per avere un’idea generale della salute dei nostri animali. L’osservazione di un calo ponderale può infatti aiutare l’allevatore non solo a migliorare la gestione dei suoi capi, ma anche a chiamare il veterinario per tempo nel caso sospetti un problema. Il calo di peso ma anche il suo aumento eccessivo possono essere sia conseguenza che causa di problemi di salute e riproduttivi, e dunque influenzare più o meno direttamente la produzione del gregge; un monitoraggio regolare può essere quindi di grande aiuto sia per l’allevatore che per il veterinario.